Thursday, April 28, 2016

In Palermo they saw a conspiracy against the club

The president of the Italian football club Palermo - Maurizio Dzamparini, saw conspiracy against the Sicilian team.

He opened what he called the local media "biscuit box" after Carpi beat Empoli 1: 0 on Monday and get out of the relegation zone in Serie "A" precisely at the expense of Palermo.

Italians use the term "biskoto" (nested biscotto), where they have doubts about fair play in a match between two teams that win each other a certain result, which in turn negatively affects directly to the third team.

The term derives from the popular Italian ice cream brand in which the cream is stuck in the middle between two cookies. If both cookies are Carpi and Empoli, they do not touch each other, but instead squeeze kremcheto, Palermo out.

"During this match was mildly absurd moments and chief judge took wrong decisions in many cases," said president and owner of Palermo in an interview on the club website.

The Italians used the term "Bisk" and international level when the national team was affected. The most popular is the case of Euro 2004 when Denmark and Sweden ended in a draw 2: 2 to come out of their group and the Italians beat Bulgaria but dropped out because of the tie between the two Scandinavian countries.

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