Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Koeman war with modern technology

Southampton manager Ronald Koeman believes that modern players lack communication between them and blamed modern tehnologii - powerful handsets and smartphones.
According Koeman young players as "obsessed" by their phones, so it sends its players special communication sessions each week.

The Dutchman wants them to talk to each other.
"The whole way of life has changed," said Koeman at a conference in London. "One of the problems of football is that there is no communication between the players on the field. For that, blame social networks. As everyone grabs the phone."
"When I played, we played cards on the bus on the way to games, talked, had communication," he said. "Now everyone puts on the headphones and place in their world. For young players everything revolves around them and talk to others at all. Maybe it's one of the reasons not to communicate on the pitch. The communication on the field is so important, you should always be able to turn to someone and tell him, "now", "Turn around." it's hard. We need concentration, communication, concentration to deal with daily workouts with different exercises each week . "

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